Plan Lee Highway Digital Community Workshop


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How do you imagine living, working and doing business on Lee Highway in 2050? 

Be a voice of your neighborhood. Help us learn more about your community perspectives and priorities. 

Visit a digital workshop station below and provide input by Monday, February 24.

Waverly Hills, Donaldson Run, Old Dominion, Glebewood, Waycroft Woodlawn

John M. Langston, Yorktown, Tara Leeway Heights, Leeway Overlee

All Participants:

Plan Lee Highway is a multi-year effort that will result in a plan that guides the future of Lee Highway and its surrounding areas for the next 30 years.

Read more about the information we've uncovered leading up to this community workshop:

Existing Conditions Analysis: Overview

Existing Conditions Analysis


Visit the Plan Lee Highway website

for more information about the process, scope and timeline.

Contact us: planleehigway @